8 Skills to Look For In A Plumber


Are you a construction manager looking for new trades? Recruiting for a new construction project means hiring an effective team you can count on. As you build your “roster,” here are 8 skills you should seek as you recruit a plumber.

1. OSHA Awareness

Navigating a complicated list of safety guidelines will come naturally to most effective plumbers. Frequent check-ins with OSHA’s updates will be required.

2. Code Knowledge

Being well-aware of local and regional plumbing codes is key to a job done well. A quality plumber never cuts corners.

3. Flexibility

Plumbing isn’t a 9-5 job in most cases. This can be beneficial to plumbers that can stay flexible, because the job often calls for quick action paired with dedication.

4. Troubleshooting

Think of troubleshooting as perseverance – plumbers need to have Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C ready at a minimum. If something goes wrong, a plumber is skilled enough to immediately try something else to solve the issue.

5. Blueprint Reading

Plumbers will need to refer to blueprints and quickly analyze the best options for the project. This will also require some quick basic math abilities.

6. Fine Motor Skills

Plumbers need to have a honed ability to work with tools and pipes in small areas, so manipulating on a small scale is a must. Fine motor skills will always be present in a great plumber.

7. Time Management

Getting the task done quickly is essential. Your ability to budget your time while out on a job will ensure 100% customer satisfaction.

8. Customer Service

A friendly face is a huge benefit to plumbers looking to make good money and maintain a consistent client base. Keep up good manners and an outgoing personality to stand out as a plumber that goes above and beyond.

We Can Help You Find Qualified Plumbers

Seeking skilled trades? CCS Construction Staffing can pair you with qualified recruits today – check out our website to learn more.

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