Managers are hard-pressed to find the perfect crew – every great leader wants to get the job done while avoiding conflict. Investing in your team’s harmony and wellbeing is a worthwhile cause. Here are a few things managers can do to foster good teamwork among their construction workers and how teamwork can actually improve productivity.
Run Safety Scenarios
To enhance the cooperation of your workers, start by practicing a test-run of the most important time you’ll need to see effective teamwork on the construction site: during a hazardous incident. Running drills of potentially dangerous situations on the construction site is the perfect team-builder, plus it presents the opportunity for learning how your team communicates. Running safety scenarios as a test will be dually beneficial, and you can observe how the staff handles a challenge.
Mentoring Pairs
In an era of baby boomers and millennials, it can be challenging to find the right hiring balance for your workforce. If you notice some differences in your team members, consider pairing them up and creating a peer mentorship system. This method is particularly effective on the construction site, and works both ways. Seasoned vets can review best practices and provide insider tips, whereas new recruits will show old pros the ins and outs of new apps and technology to improve productivity on the job site.
Casual Camaraderie
Set aside time for off-the-clock socialization. In the construction industry, you’re working with blue-collar people that have a common mission. Connecting in an informal setting is the best way to help your team bond. Whether it’s a quick happy hour or a designated weekly meeting, allow your workers to unwind. The construction industry is intricate and stressful, so providing opportunities for your employees to socialize when the pressure’s off can really make a difference.
Call Us Today to Learn More
For more tips on how to effectively (and safely!) navigate the construction site, check out CCS Construction Staffing. Our professionals can help you find the perfect construction crew for your next project. Contact us today to learn more.