National Safety Month: How Often Do Employees Need OSHA Training?


Safety organizations and construction corporations make it clear that all employees have to stay updated with OSHA training. However, that information can be confusing – when does each worker need to re-train? How fast should they need to renew? In honor of National Safety Month, we are clearing up some confusion on when exactly you need to update your OSHA training. 

Update Details 

OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards, and regulations. However, employers have the power to implement their own standards. You have the right to install quarterly refresher trainings on bloodborne pathogens, for example. Customize your onboarding and further OSHA trainings based on your company’s needs. If you are concerned about electrical hazards or other occupational dangers, take a look through your OSHA manual to see what you want to cover. 

Annual Training 

So what does “annual renewal” really mean? Are employees expected to re-up their training precisely on the anniversary of their hiring date? With the calendar year? OSHA responds by recommending re-training within 365 days of the most recent training. Some employers may find that it’s easier to set up one annual day for a full team training than trying to honor original dates. Check OSHA’s website for more info. 

Updates When Necessary 

Any “close calls” and incidents should be dealt with immediately, but should also be followed up with a booster OSHA training. If someone gets injured or there is an equipment malfunction, it’s the perfect time to review national and local safety standards. We recommend gathering everyone that week to discuss any safety shortcomings and find a way to communicate expectations effectively. 

Call Us Today to Learn More

To check out more training opportunities to help you build a stronger, safer team, contact CCS Construction Staffing today. 


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