What You Should Wear to a Construction Job Interview?


man dressed for interview

Your attire should be clean, professional, and make a great impression on a construction recruiter. But where’s the line? Most construction job seekers know that a suit is overkill for a construction interview, but may not know what outfit is appropriate. Here are some tips from CCS Construction Staffing on what to wear for a construction job interview.  

Keep It Simple 

Don’t go overboard with an overly formal interview look. Most recruiters would recommend a more practical outfit than a suit. Take a peek in your closet and find what you feel looks right. A nice pair of slacks or khakis and a button-down shirt can look presentable and sensible. You could also consider a pressed pair of dark denim jeans, a shirt, and a coat. If you want to confirm what you should wear to your interview, reach out to the company to assess what their expectations may be.  

Shine Your Shoes 

Now that you know what to wear, it’s important to think about the condition of your clothing. No rips, tears, or stains should be present on any articles of clothing. One way to avoid this is to double-check your interview attire the night before your meeting. Be sure that everything you intend to wear is wrinkle-free, clean, and fully intact. Plus, think about the little things – shine your shoes, wear a clean belt, and watch as well. 

Overall Appearance Counts 

Construction guys know that the work gets messy. However, on the day of an interview, it’s essential to have an overall clean look to show professionalism. This means tidy hair, well-kept facial hair or a shaved face if applicable, and clean hands. Poor hygiene makes a strong negative impression that may overwhelm your qualifications for the role.  

Prepare for Your Next Construction Job Interview

To learn more about how to hit a home run on your next construction job interview, reach out to the pros at CCS Construction Staffing. Our team can teach helpful interview tips and provide resources to help you succeed with a construction recruiter. Contact us today to get started. 

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