Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention – Housekeeping and Spill Response


Housekeeping is one of the most important practices for preventing slips, trips, and falls. Obstacles and clutter are a major cause of trips, and floor wetness and contaminants are major causes of slips.

Cleaning and Tidying
  • Keep walkways and aisles clear.
  • Remove obstacles and anything that is not necessary. Do not allow clutter or trash to accumulate. Keep cords neat and away from areas where people may step.
  • Keep floors as clean and dry as possible.
  • Minimize dust.
  • Follow your organization’s cleaning guidelines.
  • Store equipment and materials properly when not in use.
  • Secure items so they will not fall.
  • Keep storage areas clean and free of clutter.
Spill Response
  • Clean spills promptly (or report them, if applicable).
  • If chemical spills are possible, know how to respond and where the appropriate SDSs are.
  • Know where wet floor signs are located and use them to warn others of spills. Remove them once the spill is cleaned.

All content from Succeed Management.

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