Regrouping After a Natural Disaster


When tragedy strikes, it can feel impossible to get things back in order. As Hurricane Florence sweeps the east coast, it’s essential to get back up and running as soon as possible. As a construction company, you may be called upon to step in and revitalize a community or rebuild as roads and infrastructure need repair. It’s essential for a construction company to bounce back after a disaster. Here’s how you can regroup effectively and quickly.

Assess Your Staff

The first and most important step after a major storm is to make sure your people are safe. Reach out to all staff members to check on their well-being and contact your customers to see how they are affected. Make calls or send messages when the disaster has passed and communications are back online. If you are aware of missing or injured personnel, call emergency services.

Secure Your Site

You can’t subject your people to poor working conditions, so find a satellite workspace if your area was hit hard by a natural disaster. It doesn’t hurt to be proactive about this step and secure a “Plan B office” in case of emergency. You may also want to explore remote work for certain employees who can operate from home. Make sure your administrative staff has access to any important documents or contacts that are necessary for workflow to continue.

Use Your Human Resources

Contact HR as soon as possible to determine next steps to maintain operations. If everyone is accounted for and your workspace isn’t damaged, you’ll need to make sure workers know where they are expected and determine a game plan for regaining 100 percent of your productivity. Communication is key, specifically after a crisis. Be sure to contact all your employees and relay when you expect them back on the job. You should also embrace more flexibility during this time; some people get hit harder than others and it may take a while for some to get back on their feet.

Contact The Construction Staffing Experts

No one can precisely anticipate disaster, which is why it’s always better to be prepared. If you’re looking for more tips on how you can get ahead of any crisis, contact the experts at CCS Construction Staffing. As a top construction staffing agency, we know exactly how to maximize productivity and bring your employees up to speed. Check out our website today to learn more.

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