Referral programs can be terrific for employers. When you’ve got a great staff providing hiring suggestions, selecting candidates becomes much simpler. However, it puts you in a tough position. Can you trust your staff to refer the best people for the job? Here’s how you can evaluate potential hires when referred by your team.
Evaluate Their Application
Even when you offer a referral program, you still need some formal documentation from a potential candidate. When your employee offers up a name, request a resume so you can look over their credentials. You don’t want to get stuck hiring someone through a verbal agreement and finding out later they are unqualified. See if former work experience makes them a good fit for the role you need to fill.
Evaluate Your Worker
Your team counts on you to keep things running smoothly, and you count on them for reliable input. Offering a referral program can give you great leads, but you do want to feel comfortable with the employees recommending them. When a staff member refers a friend or family member to join the company, it can be helpful to take quick stock of their professional performance. Note any red flags or problem areas before bringing in someone they refer. If your employee is a hard worker but frequently holds up the team with tardiness, it’s possible the new recruit would create the same issue.
Get Them Face to Face
Before you agree to an employee referral, set up a meeting. The importance of an in-person interview can’t be overstated. You’re welcome to make the interview process more casual, but you still need to review their qualifications and throw some standard situational questions at them. Your worker’s word alone isn’t quite enough for you to gamble your staff’s morale. Be sure your new worker is ready to dedicate themselves to the company and you can add him to the staff.
If you’re still struggling to find quality construction staff, consult the professionals at CCS Construction Staffing. We recruit talented construction trades ready to tackle any project. Check out our website today to connect with the best construction staffing agency in the Southeast US.