5 Tips to Deal With an Underproductive Employee


Construction Staffing

Every manager has been there: dealing with the employee in the office who just doesn’t meet your standards. That worker who takes extra time grabbing water or on multiple coffee breaks. It can be enough to make you crazy, but you’re not ready to let them go. Don’t let this matter slide, a disengaged worker can be a toxic one. Slacking off on the job is often contagious, and you want your staff to all be on top of their game. Here are our top five tips to solve this common problem.


1.   Address the Issue


Present evidence of their shortcomings. A lazy worker will make excuses or justify their behavior. Don’t think of yourself as the judge and jury; you want to come to this discussion with an open mind. Instead, speak with your employee calmly and don’t make it personal. Stick to the facts to ensure the conversation doesn’t get heated. When you bring up the lack of productivity to this worker, you need to set standards and emphasize communication to see positive results.

2. Strong Communication


It’s possible that you’re not dealing with a sluggish staff member because there may be a miscommunication about their responsibilities. One of the quickest ways to clear up any conflict of clarity is to type up the duties of this worker’s position. Utilizing their job description from the initial hire, make a list of what you’re delegating to this worker. This way, your underproductive employee knows exactly what to work on and you can hold them accountable.

3. Agree on Expectations


The important thing here is not just to set expectations high in an effort to bring your staff up to speed. It’s about you and your underproductive employee agreeing on what you can expect from them. You don’t want any worker to crash and burn because of unrealistic goals. Collaborate with this worker to find a balance between your expectations and theirs. Set attainable goals for this employee that not only allow for a productive workload but will keep them from feeling overwhelmed and overworked. Be firm about the tasks that absolutely must get done and create manageable deadlines to encourage success.

4. Offer Assistance


Try to be empathetic, even though this problem can be incredibly frustrating. Ask why they’re struggling rather than making accusations. Find out what your team needs to succeed and they’ll be more likely to respond positively. It’s possible there’s a simple fix here; maybe a staff member needs a specific accommodation before they can get on track. Consider giving them a schedule that will work better for them, whether it’s a delayed start time or working from home. If not, realign their tasks to have the important work done during their peak times of productivity.

5. Measure Productivity


A key element of productivity is accountability. Nobody wants to be micromanaged, but a proven slacker will need to be kept accountable. The best way to do this is to find a method to measure employee productivity in an enforceable way. Implement a system that is manageable for this staff member. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box by creating challenges with incentives, a physical chart to track progress or blocking any distractions on the job.

One final bonus tip: If you’ve tried at all and you’re dealing with a staff member who simply doesn’t measure up, it may be time to say goodbye. Top talent is out there, and if you can’t make it work with existing employees, it’s time to branch out. Think of your new hires as an investment: If you bring in the right people and dedicate yourself to the onboarding process, you’ll have a team that’s invested in the company’s success. To find the perfect people to add to your roster, work with a top staffing agency like CCS Construction Staffing to recruit qualified candidates.

To learn more about what CCS Construction Staffing brings to the table, check out our website. We’ve got insightful resources on what it takes to run a construction site effectively, and how to cultivate the best team in the business. Contact us today to take your organization to the next level.

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