Managing Different Generations on the Job


Construction Staffing

You’ve heard talk about millennials: they want things a certain way, they’re tech-immersed, they have different ideas about a work-life balance. In fact, research shows that millennials are like no generation before them; however, the same goes for baby boomers and generation X. A successful manager is ready to take on the challenge of leading individuals in any age group. Here are our top tips on how to collaborate with different generations in the workplace.

Baby Boomers: Bolster Adaptation

Workers ages 48-69 are the baby boomers: Loyal employees that come with decades of experience. Having baby boomers on your team can be terrific for on-the-job training. Ensure they have a positive experience at work by rewarding their loyalty with benefits. To bolster adaptation to new situations in the workplace, provide helpful resources for them when it comes to new technology. Conduct small-group workshops when working on a new machine or computer program. Pair them up with a millennial so they can teach them the valuable lessons one cannot learn online.

Gen X: Allow for Independence

If you are working with employees from 33-48, you’re managing generation X. These individuals are likely to be effective leaders and thrive when they work alone or head up a small team. The best way to work with these employees is to encourage them to blaze their own trail. Gen X workers do best when they can independently problem-solve and work on solo tasks. Try dividing teamwork into individual assignments, or sit down with an employee to find out if there are any projects they are passionate about that they’d like to spearhead.

Millennials: Encourage Engagement

Millennials often come with a bad reputation, but they are a real asset in the workplace. Millennials are equipped innate technology skills, as well as a new perspective on work-life balance. These 18-32 year olds want a position where they can thrive and do meaningful work. Engaging your employees can begin with showing them the big picture. Enforce the big picture by pairing them up with other generations in your group. This will help narrow your skills gap when baby boomers begin to retire.

Remember that whenever you bring on new staff, you’ll have to lead them in a way that benefits everyone. If you’re looking for more insight on how to effectively lead your construction team, check out CCS Construction Staffing today.


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