Eight Reasons You Didn’t Get the Job


Construction Staffing

Interviewing for a new position can be stressful. When you’re trying to do everything right to make a good impression on a hiring manager, it’s important to emphasize strengths and steer clear of mistakes. If you didn’t get the job, the following missteps may have occurred.

  1. You were unpolished

Be sure you look the part! Even for a construction interview, you want to present the best version of yourself. For an office position, a suit is always recommended. However, for a construction job you don’t want to look out of place: Consider a coat and dress shirt paired with dark denim. Prepare to be showered, well-groomed and tailored to make a great impression.

  1. You were inconsiderate

When you set foot in the door at a new company, you’re often not aware of the office environment. It’s essential to be courteous and treat all staff equally. Flattering the interviewer won’t mean a thing if you insult the receptionist. Treat everyone with the same level of consideration to show you are a professional person who can work well with everyone, from the CEO to the cleaning crew.

  1. You failed to comply

Did you follow instructions and bring everything required of you? If you left your resume at home or didn’t bring proper identification, you might not get the job. An employer wants to see you’re attentive and easy to work with. If you make a typo on your resume, how can you be expected to maintain inventory without error? Your choices send a message, so be conscious of what you’re nonverbally communicating.

  1. Your actions spoke for you

Nonverbal communication is also communicated through body language, so think about your actions. If you spent your interview fidgeting or checking your phone, you were probably perceived as a less invested candidate. Additionally, use a strong handshake and speak clearly and deliberately – avoid “um” and “ah”, especially when being asked important questions.

  1. You weren’t committed

One of the biggest qualities a hiring manager seeks is loyalty. If you gave the impression you weren’t interested in the position long term, the interviewer may not have been willing to invest the time training you. In an interview, it’s essential to make it clear that you are looking to learn, grow and flourish with the company.

  1. You didn’t speak thoughtfully

When you’re sharing, it’s possible you really let it fly. Oversharing is a surefire way to make an employer uncomfortable. Feel free to tell a story, but tie it back to your experience or skills. Overconfidence can also be a turnoff. Be humble when sharing your accomplishments.

  1. It wasn’t the right fit

In your interview, maybe you didn’t convey enough of your experience or personality, or didn’t prove that you were the right candidate for the job. It’s hard for a hiring manager to advocate for a candidate who was “just average,” or even forgettable. Sometimes it’s not a mistake you made, maybe it just wasn’t a good fit and personalities just didn’t connect this time.

  1. You didn’t pose thoughtful final questions

As an interview concludes, a great time to wrap up on a positive note is when the interviewer asks if you have any final questions. An interview goes both ways, and you want to make sure you’re leaving with answers to your questions while making a great impression. Next time, make sure you have all of the information you need, and you’ve given them the best of yourself as well.

Feeling like you need more interview tips, or you’re just not the right fit for a position? Check out the resources at CCS Construction Staffing to get back to your job search armed with the best tools and confidence that you can succeed in your next interview.

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