It’s not uncommon for a job site to have varying levels of experience. Some workers have been in the industry for decades, while others are just starting out. Each job you have performed in the past will have similarities and differences, even if the industries are completely different. Regardless, the construction industry is experiencing an incredible boom right now, and the jobs are paying very well.
Candidates new to construction may have a bigger challenge getting the hiring manager’s attention, but a lack of experience doesn’t immediately disqualify you. Customizing your experiences and skills to match the construction company’s opening will get you better results. Remember, everyone has to start somewhere. If you’re looking to make a switch to a construction career, here are some ways to show how your previous experiences will be a benefit to a job site.
Soft skills matter
Soft skills are non-industry-specific abilities that emphasize interpersonal skills, work ethic and problem solving. In your cover letter or resume, be sure to explain how the soft skills you’ve developed in your previous positions will help you quickly adapt to this construction position. For example, if you were once an admin assistant, give details about your organizational and time management skills. Be sure to let them know that you understand how these skills will help prevent you from falling behind on a timeline. If you were once on the floor of a manufacturing plant, explain how your strong communication skills will help you address safety concerns on a construction site.
Details about education
There is something to be said for the act of educating. If you’ve been exposed to any kind of higher ed, that means your mind has been challenged with decision-making, critical thinking and problem-solving situations. Be sure to include your educational background, even if you think these skills might not be relevant for the opening. For example, if you have some computer certifications, explain how you excel in math, geometry and algebra. Construction is all about calculation – sites always need workers who are strong in measuring, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
Safety is essential
Emphasizing your experience with safety rules and regulations shows that you will take your new construction job seriously. Safety hazards are a huge concern on a job site. If you show how you have been responsible for a safe environment in the past, you’ll likely catch the hiring manager’s eye. Perhaps you were a healthcare worker responsible for disposing of hazardous waste. Maybe you’re currently in hospitality or customer service representative. Tell them about a time where you kept a cool head in a crisis situation. These are all marketable and highly transferable skills for the construction industry.
Customizing your resume for a construction opening will be a huge help when trying to switch careers. Most importantly, be confident about your interest in the position and ability to do it well. If you’re looking to make the leap into construction or just need help with your job hunt, CCS Construction Staffing can help. We can connect you with an entry-level position to help you build the skills and the experience you need for a strong, high-paying construction career. Call us today!