The Impact of Big Data on the Construction Industry


Construction Staffing

No matter what industry you’re in, the phrase “big data” is a buzzword on just about everyone’s lips. Like so many of these digital trends, many of us find our daily lives, both personal and professional, impacted by these hot technological advances. Believe it or not, big data isn’t just a Silicon Valley invention; it’s impacting industries across the globe, including construction.

Big data enables businesses to manage and analyze vast amounts of information at superfast speeds, resulting in valuable insights that can influence your company’s outlook and boost your decision-making processes. Because of the intense flexibility and competition in the construction industry, many contractors harness the power of big data to manage employees, analyze labor and equipment costs and even conduct pre-construction analyses of projects.

Predicting Pre-Construction Risks and Costs

Construction companies can predict potential risks for a job site with strategic use of big data. By collecting and analyzing information, your construction company can gain valuable insights that improve cost certainty, identify and avoid potential safety issues, and find opportunities to boost productivity. Big data also helps you plan for unexpected costs. By analyzing data from previous jobs, you can predict when your heavy equipment will need new parts or when your tools might need to be replaced.

Managing Employees

From temporary workers to permanent employees, big data can help contractors choose the right crew for a construction job. These analytics can help you identify which positions you need, how much labor cost will run, and which contract workers are the best fit for the job.  Contractors tend to spend the most of their budget on labor, making it extremely important to understand how to get the most for your money.

Enhancing Business Opportunities

Big data isn’t just about helping construction firms get more efficient, it’s also about helping construction firms get more employment. Many companies require special data centers to house the equipment and staff needed to collect and analyze big data. These state-of-the-art building projects are designed to house servers, be primed for technological upgrades and to take data usage to different levels. Companies requesting these projects are looking for construction crews that have a solid understanding of the importance of big data.

Big data can give contractors and business owners much-needed insight on the past, present and future of their company. This information can help you make the smartest choice in bidding, employment and productivity. If one of your biggest challenges on the construction site is finding the right personnel, give the team at CCS Construction Staffing a call. We can make your hiring process more productive and efficient by connecting you with the best skilled laborers, workers and administrative professionals in the construction industry.

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