Our April Employee of the Month is Michelle Vera


Michelle Vera is our Social Media/Marketing Coordinator. She joined our team six months ago and has an essential role in the everyday operations at CCS Construction Staffing. Michelle promotes and maintains all of our web content. She was recognized by her peers as a dependable, trustworthy and hard-working person.

Who has been the biggest influence on your life? “I would say my mother. She is strong, and a hard worker. She has worked so hard to achieve her dreams and I admire her drive.”

What do you like about CCS Construction Staffing? “I love CCS! I enjoy the organization, the people and being able to have an array of duties each day. I think my favorite things about CCS is the atmosphere at the office, we are all like one big family.”

What is your favorite sport and why? “I love soccer and baseball. Soccer, I would say it’s my favorite, I dream to someday attend ‘El Classico’ at Camp Nou in Barcelona, Spain. Baseball is always fun to watch and I love the New York Yankees. I think, I love these because as a child, my father will sit and watch and I would sit next to him and he would explain the rules to me.”

What accomplishment are you most proud of? “I would say the moment I received my college degree! I remember walking across the stage and shake the hand of the Dean, and I finally thought, yes its over!”

If you could meet any historical figure, of the past or present, who would it be and why? “I would love to meet John Lennon, I think he was the coolest Beatles, I love his music.”

What things do you like to do? “I enjoy being at home and binged on Netflix. I watched House, M.D. 8 seasons in a month and a half! It’s truly addicting having all seasons of a show available.”

Congratulations, Michelle! We extend the best wishes for further achievements in the future. You truly are an asset to CCS Construction Staffing and we want to thank you for all that you do. Keep up to great work!

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