From construction sites to corporate offices, you’ve probably heard the term “open door policy” tossed around quite a bit. It seems pretty simple, right? Senior managers swing open theiroffice doorsso the staff can approach them with both job-related and interpersonal issues without fear or anxiety.However, a genuine open door policy can be pretty complex to sustain, especially on a job site. From contract employees to safety issues, the construction industry has unique issues when it comes to staffing and employment. An effective open door policy must be crafted with a true spirit of respect and candor, and never compromised or abused by supervisors and crew.
4 Key Benefits of an Open Door Policy
Deeper Insights in Your Business
If your full-time and part-time employees know they can come to their supervisors in a safe environment, they’re likely to be more open about issues that affect the whole company. Superintendents and contractors can stay in the loop about ongoing concerns, as well as keep their fingers on the pulse of day-to-day affairs.
More Effective Problem-Solving
The key to an open door policy is no fear of retaliation; a skilled tradesman doesn’t have to worry about angering a coworker and a temporary laborer doesn’t have to fear never becoming a full-time employee. This encourages job site managers to take strategic, tactical approaches to addressing workplace issues, coming up with creative solutions to job site issues.
Stronger Relationships
When the crew believes in their open door policy, they also believe in their supervisors. When the policy produces results, more than a skyscraper or a bridge is built.Trust is built. When doors are closed, work feels formal and secretive.However, when they open up, employees get the sense that their supervisors genuinely want to be engaged.
Embrace New Ideas and Creative Solutions
Open door policies help management and employees develop a rapport of equality. When a temporary worker comes up with a better way to engage coworkers in safety practices or a permanent employee notices a flaw in the building design, an open door policy gives them the confidence to speak up. These new ideas could mean more business and better profits for your construction firm.
HR directors, managers and employees, both permanent and contract, all praise companies that encouragehonest conversations about job satisfaction and the workplace environment.While an open door policy can help boost morale and productivity, it can also cause anxiety and tension if not executed properly. Make sure candid conversations happen in the office, but confidential ones happen behind firmly closed doors and out of the spotlight.
Are you ready to revamp your job site employment policies? Want to inspire your employees to work harder and collaborate more? At CCS Construction Staffing, you can gain access to our talent pool of top candidates who are ready to work today. Contact us and learn how you can strengthen your crew by developing an open line of communication between management and staff.